WP Smart Contracts Web3 Login: A Secure and Easy Way to Register and Login to WordPress Websites
WP Smart Contracts has introduced a new feature called Web3 Login, which makes it easy and secure to register and login to WordPress websites using cryptocurrency wallets.
To set up Web3 Login, you first need to enable the “Crypto Wallet User Registration and Login” option in the WP Smart Contracts setup wizard. You can then choose the desired user role for new registrations. We recommend the Subscriber role, which has limited privileges but allows users to upload media files, which can be useful for minting NFTs.
Once Web3 Login is enabled, your users will see a “Login with your wallet” button when they try to login. Clicking this button will open the user’s crypto wallet and initiate the login process, which is secured by a cryptographic signature. Once the signature is complete, the user is both registered and logged in seamlessly.
You can also use Web3 Login to login to your WordPress website using the Launcher pages. To do this, simply click the “Connect” button on the Launcher page.
If you want to add even more flexibility, you can place the following shortcode on any page:
This will allow users to login using their crypto wallets from anywhere on your site.
Web3 Login also offers a number of advanced features, such as the ability to collect users’ email addresses alongside their wallet information and redirect users to a specific URL after logging in. These features can be used to enhance user registration and login and add an extra layer of customization and user engagement.
Overall, WP Smart Contracts Web3 Login is a secure and easy way to register and login to WordPress websites using cryptocurrency wallets. Whether you opt for the straightforward setup or explore advanced options, Web3 Login offers a seamless and secure login experience.