Create a Block Explorer in your website for any ERC20 token for free

WP Smart Contracts
3 min readJun 21, 2019


Are you a fan of Binance Coin, ChainLink or Gemini Dollar?

Do you have a website related to any ERC-20 Ethereum token project?

The good news is that if you have a WordPress site you can easily create a bock explorer for any ERC20 token you like.


First, make sure that your WP Smart Contracts plugin (WPSC) is properly configured. It is recommended that you set your own Etherscan API key and set a cache for your API queries, a few seconds, up to 1 minute will be ok in this case.

Set an Etherscan API key and cache time in your WPSC setup

Then, find the contract address of the token you want to use. For instance, let’s go to and look for the Binance Coin.

Find your favorite contract

Go to the official block explorer, and copy the contract address.

Copy the contract address

Return to your website and create a “New Coin” in your Coins option menu. Write down the name of the coin “Binance Coin” in the example:

Create a coin in your website

Now check any ERC20 standard token flavor, in this step, you will provide the WPSC plugin with an ABI interface for the contract, you are not really creating a contract, so any standard flavor is ok, you can choose “Vanilla”

Choose any of the Standard ERC20 flavors for the contract.

Now fill the Contract definition parameters, the contract is already created to these parameters will be just a reference to show in your own Block Explorer.

Set the parameters of the contract already created

Now click on the “Load Button”:

Paste the contract address and click “Load”:

After a few minutes click on the permalink of your new coin and you will see your brand new Block Explorer:

ERC20 WordPress Block Explorer

From there, any user connected to your website with Metamask will be able able to transfer funds, check balance, approve funds and query allowance in the token of your choice.

WPSC Wallet

Have fun!

Download the WPSmartContracts plugin from the official source in WordPress:

Or on the official website:



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